Personbil "Norden" efter det amerikanska originalets namn: "Northern". Tillverkning av detta märke upptogs 1902. På vagnens bakdäck kan utläsas Continental Pneumatic. Tillverkad av Södertälje Verkstäder.
Från 299 kr
Flagstaff, fotografi, photograph
Northern Pacific 5000 "Yellowstone"
Northern Pacific, NP, lok 5000
(The Great Northern Railway ) GNR lok 63
(The Great Northern Railway ) GNR lok 5
Midland and Great Northern, M&GN Lok 9.
Romney, Hythe & Dymchurch Railway, RDHR "Northern Chief"
Great Northern Railway, GN, "The Empire Builder".
Great Northern Railway, GN 2, dieselelektriskt växellok.
Temiskaming and Northern Ontario Railway lok 316.
Duluth, Missabe and Northern Railway, DM&N M 200.
Ägare:/197 - /: Northern Shipping Co. Hemort: Arkhangelsk.
Ägare:/1952-58/: Northern Steamship Co.Ltd. Hemort: Helsingfors.
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