Canadian Pacific Liner "Montcalm" 16,400 Tons
Från 299 kr
1127. C.R. Hoffman. Southampton. S.S. "Montcalm" 16,418 Tons C.R. Hoffman. No 1, The Docks, Southampton.
Canadian Pacific Liner "Montrose" 16,400 Tons
S.S. "Empress of Scotland" (Canadian Pacific Ry) on the St. Lawrence.[.....]S.S. "Empress of Scotland".(Canadian Pacific) on the St. Lawrence. Twin-screw passenger ship liner with accommodation for 1800 passengers, her length being 700 feet, bretah 77 feet, depth 54 feet. The gross tonnage of the ship is 25,160. Postcard No 3592 ...[].
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