Austerity-lok, krigslok 7199
Från 299 kr
Austerity-sadeltanklok, krigslok
(London, Midland and Scottish Railway) LMS lok 8F 8042
(London, Midland and Scottish Railway ) LMS turbinlok 6202
(The London & North Eastern Railway) LNER lok 4468 "Mallard"
(Gloucestershire Warwickshire Railway ) GWR lok 6014 "King Henry VII", framparti
(Gloucestershire Warwickshire Railway ) GWR lok 6014 "King Henry VII"
(The London & North Eastern Railway ) LNER lok 2001 "Cock o' the North"
(Great Western Railway ) GWR-lok
Midland Ry, lok 2601
(North Eastern Railway) NER lok 1869
CR lok 769
(The Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway ) L&YR lok 1093
LBSC lok 184 "Stroudley"
(London and South Western Railway ) L&SWR lok 462
(The Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway ) L&YR lok 853
Midland Ry lok 109
(North British Railway) NBR lok "Abbotsford"
(The Great Northern Railway ) GNR lok 5
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