arkeologi, Tutankhamun, photograph@eng, fotografi
Bild från arbetet vid Tutankhamuns grav med Howard Carter i ledningen.
"The first view to be published of the stone sarcophagus itself, between the doors, showing the arm of the protective deity. The sarcophagus, "colossal in size, magnificent in workmanship and beyond any question intact", is of crystalline sandstone. As this photograph shows, it has every appearance of being in perfect condition. At the corners cut in the stone itself, are figures of the four protective goddesses, Isis, Nephthys, Neith and Selk, with arms and wings stretched along the side. It is the arm of one of these godesses, stretched out across the front of the sarcophagus, that is shown in this photograph. It is an eloquent example of the perfect faith for the well-being of their loved ones which animated the people who dwelt in Egypt 30 centuries ago."
Fotograf / Konstnär:
Burton, Harry
Statens museer för världskultur - Medelhavsmuseet
afrika, egypt, konungarnas dal
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